GREAT NEWS! I am extremely overjoyed to announce that recently I have won a 2013 AIPP silver award for my wedding print and more importantly, a silver award for my WEDDING ALBUM, which is what our studio is known for. We pride ourselves on creating the most beautiful & unique wedding albums for our couples so this is important to me.
Each year I enter the prestigious Australian Institute of Professional Photography (AIPP) state & national competition to have my work judged amongst some of Australia’s best wedding photographers.
To have my images assessed by my esteemed peers is certainly nerve-racking & an honour, and every year the standard continues to rise.
I am SO HAPPY to share this with you all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you to all my lovely couples who trust me with their wedding photos & album. And also to my family & friends. Could not have achieved this without your support.
Please enjoy the wedding album which won Silver.
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